Show Some Love On Giving Hearts Day

Allison Klose, Copy Editer

February marks two special days all about spreading love and kindness. Those days are Giving Hearts Day (February 11, 2021) and Valentine’s day (February 14, 2021).

Giving Hearts Day is a 24-hour event and the entire goal of it is to raise money for non-profit charity organizations. The day takes place on the second Thursday of the month. You can Participate in Giving Hearts Day by donating to several different organizations that are participating as well.

Some great places to donate are the NDAD (helping others help themselves), and  The YWCA (eliminating racism and empowering woman). Both of these organizations accept donations all year around.

What is the NDAD?

NDAD stands for North Dakota Association for the Disabled. They help people with disabilities live normal lives. This includes providing special equipment, medical treatment, and other specialized services. They mainly help people who are not eligible for other types of medical insurance. Your donation helps them provide these services to people in need.

What is the YWCA?

The goals of the YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower woman, and promote peace,  justice, freedom, and dignity for all. They provide women with the resources they need to get back on their feet. They help people from all backgrounds and help them with any situation they may be in. Such as, homelessness, poverty, teen pregnancy, helping people out of abusive situations.

There are hundreds of wonderful charity organizations that would be great places to donate as well. These organizations are great local options.