How Homosexuality Evolved to Make Society Thrive

Hieu Le, Editor-in-Chief

Is homosexuality unnatural? Is it a choice? Science rejects all that. 

Recently, a Gallup survey shows that 1 in 6 Gen Z adults (1997-2002) identify as LGBT+. The highest number it’s ever been in any generation and it’s still continuing to grow.

So, if it is “unnatural” (as it doesn’t allow for reproduction) why does it still exist to even today? Shouldn’t evolution have ruled it out long ago?

The answer will surprise you. 

How did homosexuality arise? 

Humans are social animals. That’s been our greatest strength through thousands of years of natural selection and evolution. 

Being in a group can provide protection in numbers, specialization (focusing on only one job), and a greater chance of passing on copies of your DNA/genes. In fact, almost all organisms live to pass on copies of their genes. 

So, any trait that increases one’s fitness (defined as reproductive success and the ability to adapt well to the environment) will be favored by natural selection and passed on to the next generation. Homosexuality is just that, it increases others fitness. 

Take a look at the multiple hypotheses and reasons of how homosexuality’s arise.

There’s more than one way to pass on your genes. Homosexuality gives up one’s own fitness (reproductive ability) in order to increase others’ fitness and their chances of passing on their genes.  But just not anyone’s fitness, their family member’s fitness. 

In his Ted Talk title “Homosexuality: It’s about survival – not sex”, James O’Keefe MD, a Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, explains that “an ability to love our family and bond with our group determines, in many cases, whether we survive or perish. So it’s the survival of the fittest family, not the fittest individual. So, you share 50% of your DNA with your

A break down of the shared genes between siblings and their kids. You are in the middle. The two off to the sides are your siblings. Directly below you and your siblings are your kids. (James O’Keefe)

siblings. Your nieces and nephews share 25% of your DNA. Frоm evolution’s perspective, you have the same genetic success if you raise one child on your own or you enable a sibling to raise two children. Frоm evolution’s perspective, this is all about cooperation and altruism. Homosexuality is genetically-programmed altruism.”

So by helping your family members, you are, in essence, also passing on a piece yourself. Helping your other siblings thrive (as with below example with the Fa’afafine people) is the reason why homosexuality persists to today. If your siblings and their kids survive better because of you, they pass on their genes, the same gene that predisposes you to be gay. 

This indirect way of passing on their copies of genes makes sense. If all of your siblings are straight, that would mean more fighting over the same girl/mate, leading to conflict and worsened relationships. If all your family members had kids, that would mean more mouths to feed, weighing the group down.

The fraternal birth order effect, or the effect where the more older brothers you have, the more you are likely to be gay, is related to this. A study showed that: “In cross-analyzing data from 10 scientific studies with more than 5,000 subjects, researchers found that men with older brothers were 38 percent more likely to identify as gay.” 

Higher intelligence. Gay individuals tend to be more intelligent, especially when it comes to emotional intelligence. Scientific studies “showed that boys and girls who scored in a very bright IQ range were twice as likely to be homosexual as adults as those children who scored in the low to average range. And, among gay males, on psychological testing, gay males tend to score higher in metrics of compassion and cooperation, and lower in metrics of hostility.” O’Keefe said. This trait increases their and their families’ chances of survival.

At a biological level, this compassionate trait can be explained by a study which found “that in the brains of gay people, certain features including symmetry and connections to the brain’s emotional centre are more closely matched to the brains of straight people from the opposite sex.” Meaning gay male brains are like straight female brains, which may be why gay males are drawn towards culturally feminine materials and symbols.

Shouldering maternal burden. High emotional intelligence is necessary to help your family members, especially mothers, with their problems, such as stress. Studies indicated that if mothers experienced prenatal (before birth) stress or is more prone to be stressed, it increases the chances of her offspring being gay or

Graph showing relationship of prenatal stress on homosexuality. Gay men are more likely to have mothers who were stress while pregnant. (James O’Keefe)

bisexual. This trait may have evolved to help mothers deal with problems by providing an ally who understands and protects her.

Greater social cohesion. According to a paper published by Duke University, it’s speculated that “Gay sex and attraction may have evolved because individuals with a degree of same-sex attraction benefited from greater social mobility, integration and stronger same-sex social bonds.” Because of humans evolved to be more social, homosexuality thrived because it gave individuals an advantage over those who aren’t social. Being more social means greater protection and bonds with other humans, more resources and opportunities. 

These hypothesis show that homosexuality is the perfect trait if it’s in the right environment. In fact, homosexuality is such a good trait that other cultures consider it a blessing. 

Homosexuality In Other Cultures 

Muxes. “In the Istmo de Tehuantepec region in Mexico’s southern state of Oaxaca, there are three genders: female, male and muxes.” They are described to be born as a man but don’t act masculine. Legends had it that they were born under a lucky star. In this region, muxes play an important social role. According to the BBC “’When the man is at sea or in the field and the woman is at the market, there is no-one to take care of the household and family. That’s where the muxe comes in,’” Noé Díaz explained. “’Some even say it’s a blessing for a mother to have a muxe son who will help her at home and take care of young siblings.’” 

Picture of the Fa’afafine. (Ella Ganza)

Fa’afafine. In Samoa, in the Southern Pacific just like muxes, the Fa’afafine (literally means in the manner of a woman) are also considered effeminate males. While on a trip there, Paul Vasey, a professor from the University of Lethbridge in Canada, tested out the benevolent uncle hypothesis, which states that gay people are

more likely to be more prosocial or kind and giving. Turns out he was right. He has found that, “compared to single straight men or aunts, they are indeed more likely to want to look after their nieces and nephews. They take more interest in them, babysit more than straight men, buy more toys, tutor more and contribute more money to their education.” This fits ties back to the notion that homosexuality increases the fitness of other family members.

Han Dynasty. From 206 BCE to 220 CE, the majority of Emperors in China were openly bisexual, having wives and male companions. During this period, bisexuality was the norm among the nobility. The male companions and their family members received generous of privileges in exchange for intimacy. For example, Emperor Ai had a male lover named Dong Xian. Everyone in his family, even slaves, benefitted in some way. Xian’s father was named the marquis by Ai and everyone received money. This could explain why homosexuality or bisexuality was favored in natural selection; it was advantageous in that increases resources for your family member. This ties back to how this trait increases social mobility and builds greater alliances with others. 

Lastly, the animal kingdom. According to the Imperial College London, same-sex behavior is observed in over 1,000 species. Homosexuality is widespread, with bisexuality even more prevalent across species. For example, gay penguins can adopt an egg if it has no parents or abandoned.

Picture of the gay penguin couple, Sphen (left) and Magic(right) and their adopted daughter, Diva (bottom left) at the Sydney Sea Life Aquarium. (CUTE!!) (Sydney Sea Life Aquarium)

Final Reflection

A society that condemns homosexuality harms itself. Today, homosexuality has been observed to be natural and even necessary in many cultures and animals. What is unnatural is the hatred against homosexuality. 

There hasn’t been much research on trans or lesbian individuals but know that it the benefits may be the same. After all, mother nature’s secret weapon is variation. If we were all straight or all gay, we wouldn’t survive very long. We need the little talents here and there to save us and make us thrive.

In order for a LGTQ+ individuals to shine, we as a society must embrace them with open arms.

So if you’re in this community, know that you are natural and even a blessing. Be proud to be gay. It’s time to know your worth.