Big Changes to Fargo South’s LGBTQ+ Club

Della Phillips and Nash Penner

Some people listen to the announcements during Period 2 every day. Some people use it as a convenient time to take a sixty-second nap or chat with their friends. Some listen but doodle at the same time. If you have been listening to the announcements, you might have heard about the LGBTQ+ club, Spectrum, that has met a few times this year.

There’s been some confusion about Spectrum. Is it a new club? I thought South already had an LGBTQ+ club. What’s this club about, anyway? Luckily, we’re here with answers.

In previous years, Fargo South did have an LGBTQ+ club. It was called Prism, and it was run by Mr. Taragos. He decided to pass the baton on to Mr. Worthington (affectionately known as Profe to students), a Spanish teacher here at South. The name was changed to Spectrum this year, but that’s not all that’s changed for the club. 

“I’m planning on really just pulling the blanket out from under it all and changing things up,” said Profe. He said he would like Spectrum to be a discrimination- and judgment-free zone where LGBTQ+ students and their allies can learn about LGBTQ+ topics in a comfortable and safe environment. Spectrum should also be a place to just have fun and bond!

Profe said he will be leading the club at least for the first year to start things on the right track and to ensure it will be an environment that feels safe for everyone.

His efforts seem to be reinvigorating interest for the club. Fifteen people showed up for the first meeting, mostly freshmen and juniors. Those who attended the club feel that it has good vibes; a little loud but not too overbearing.  

Together they came up with some fun ideas for activities this year. They’re planning on doing “table talk” once a month, where they use the safe space to discuss LGBTQ+-related issues, whether personal, in the school, or more widespread. The group is also interested in possibly collaborating with other schools’ LGBTQ+ clubs, doing service projects, going out to movies together, interviewing a drag queen, attending a pride event, water balloon fights … the list goes on!

Everyone was very friendly, and one student said it’s a good place to make friends, especially for people whose current friend group doesn’t really accept them.

“It’s not as scary as it seems,” Orion Gustafson, a freshman, said.

Spectrum meets every other Wednesday; the next meeting will be November 3.

“It’s really cool; anyone can come,” Terth Tuel, another freshman, said.