ADHD Awareness Month Is Relevant Now More Than Ever

Addilynn Schons and Sieara Jamgochian

Showing awareness for ADHD is important all year around especially during October, ADHD awareness months.

ADHD is a well known disorder that many people in the world have Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (more known as ADHD) is diagnosed in people of all ages. According to ADHD Institute, “2.2% of people overall have ADHD.” Some effects of ADHD are getting distracted easily, having a harder time explaining things and other difficulties.

Many stereotypes persist among students with ADHD, such as it only occurs in bad kids, if you are hyperactive or are bored in class. In general, ADHD is an excuse for bad behavior. That’s not the case. 

Getting distracted easily can happen to many people and that’s where people start to self-diagnose themselves. Everyone gets bored, but saying that they are having trouble focusing doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADHD. In some scenarios with some people that can be a reason but people with ADHD have more than one reason why they are being diagnosed. 

The reason some kids with ADHD have a harder time explaining things because they have a hard time focusing on the subject and also have a harder time finding the right words to use when explaining things. Explaining things for many people can be even harder with all the tiny things around them. Errors also may occur in grammar because mental/learning skills are more difficult in some situations.

Stereotypes like it only occurs in bad kids is a good reason why some kids are ashamed of having ADHD, even though it’s not their fault. Neuroscience, brain imaging and clinical researchers are finding that ADHD could now be seen as a development disorder rather than a behavioral one.

Many kids are hyperactive and tend to have a hard time paying attention but that doesn’t mean they have ADHD. Children who are known to be more hyperactive aren’t like that throughout the rest of their lives, studies have shown that children who have larger hyperactivity levels tend to dwindle down with their age. Another thing is that signs of ADHD show up in children early on but the side effects don’t usually become persistent until adolescence or later. ADHD usually is used as an excuse saying you didn’t listen to what someone was saying because of it. If that is really the case you should try to find something that would help with that instead of blaming everything that you do wrong on ADHD, because that’s really not the case in most situations. 

ADHD is a disorder that can really affect a lot of people’s lives. It’s good to be aware of it and learn how to help people who have ADHD. Educating yourself on ADHD will be very helpful since there is a good amount of people who have it.