The Perfect book?! ‘Counting By 7s’

The Perfect book?! 'Counting By 7s'

Counting by 7s is a phenomenal fiction novel written by Holly Goldberg Sloan and has been a new york times bestseller. So far everyone I encounter who’s read it has been very pleased with the book and the twists and turns and taxi driver (person in the book), that it has to offer.

The book is about a young girl named Willow Chance whose age is 12 and describes herself as a person of color. She takes an interest in different kinds of plant species, so much that her yard looks like a jungle. She also has an interest in different kinds of medical terms and she diagnoses her own parents along with random people at the mall. Willow had been diagnosed as “highly gifted” on the autism scale when she was little. Because of this, she had been having a hard time making friends.

As she enters middle school, she has to adjust to a new environment with new people and learn to make new friends. This is part of the reason why I believe it is the perfect book. Learning to make friends and adjust to a new environment is a challenge in most people’s lives and this is more challenging for her because she is seen as strange and different.

After a tragic accident happens inside her home, the book follows her as she makes new friends and tries to settle into a new place in her life. The book talks of how she impacts other people that she encounters and how she grows into a different person but still being her own quirky self. The way she sees things and interacts with other people is also why I love this book. She analyzes things around her differently and she doesn’t care what others think. Or she doesn’t understand what others think.

If you are struggling to find a book that catches your eyes I highly recommend this book. From the descriptions of all the characters to the insane amount of detail and cleverness this book has I give it a solid 5/5. The only problem I personally have with this book is that there is no second book, as well as the movie they were going to create based on this novel, was canceled. But we all know that the book is better than the movie. Anyway, I love Counting by 7s and recommend it to others because to me it is the perfect book.