

Jennifer Espinoza

Q: everyone says “what the dog doing” but no one asks how the dog doing

A: I agree, we should start asking “how the dog doing” to create a better dog environment

Q: What is a good way to stay motivated to keep up on homework and not fall behind?

A: I feel like the best way to stay motivated when it comes to homework is to constantly look at your grades. If you look at your grades and feel comfortable with them then that’s ok. But if you look at them and you’re not happy with them that should try to motivate you to get some homework done. Another way you can get motivated is if you go to a work environment, put your phone away (maybe with a teacher), and try to work, I know phones are a big contributor to procrastination so hopefully, that helps.

Q: What could you advise to help motivate me to go to class?

A: You’re your own person and are in charge of your own actions. The best advice I feel that I can give you is to let yourself get caught by the teachers and listen to them. I know that (when with friends) it’s hard to put your opinion out there about going to class so hopefully, you don’t skip class, and if you do, just listen to your teachers.

Q: How do you deal with stress in a positive manner?

A: There are many positive ways to deal with stress and some work better for others. To cope with stress try to meditate, it helps relax the muscles and the mind. Bonding with your pet or listening to music can also help, I recommend bonding with a pet because it works best for me and all they care about is being happy with you. You also must make sure you get enough sleep so you can wake up refreshed and not drained, sometimes if I can’t sleep I take a melatonin and it helps me sleep and resets my sleep schedule. DO NOT procrastinate, worry about all the small problems, and never compare yourself to others. All of this can give you more stress and it does no good for you, you are what matters here and you should be proud of how far you’ve gotten in life.