How to write an Essay: A Funny Story


you wake up, you look up to see your whole class staring at you. Your teacher tells you to have two weeks left to complete the essay. You are determined. You idealize that you are going to finish it at home right after school. You get home, tired, you lay on your bed and contemplate completing your essay but you open your phone and scroll through tik tok. this continues until your teacher reminds you that you have 2 days left and they will accept late work. Panic. You panic until you have just one hour left to complete the whole gosh darn essay. You contemplate just winging it and turning it in right away but then it hits you. The perfect way to write an essay. A three-word sentence that helps you complete the whole essay. This three-word sentence is the sentence of sentences and it is the key to the perfect essay. You start writing words flying left and right around you as if this three-word sentence has turned you into God. You finished with 5 minutes left, just enough to turn in your work. This essay was your greatest essay ever. It’s as if you worked all of the 2 weeks for this essay thanks to these three words. You go into TurnItIn to, of course, turn in the essay. You give it the three-word title, seeing as they basically saved your essay. You press submit and then, ERROR. Puzzled, you refresh the page. It’s gone. Doesn’t matter, you go back to google docs and submit it again. You forgot to save. 5 minutes past the due date and your whole essay is gone. Silently crying you close your computer and cry yourself to sleep, unable to redue the essay because you forgot the three-word sentence.