Water Fountain Rankings

  1. Choir Fountain-The choir water fountains are exceptional in both their unconventional placement, and their refreshing quality.
  2.  Office Jug-The office jug is an iconic spot in Fargo South High School for teachers. Too bad students can’t use it!
  3.  Science Wing Fountains -Dependable, underrated, and a delectable option for your daily water intake.
  4.  Library Wing Fountains -Decent water, however the hall may get crowded and bottlenecked at times.
  5.   Gym Wing Fountains -An excellent placement for a post-workout hydration, however consistently broken. 
  6.  North Door Water Fountain – While this fountain has consistently good water, it’s placement is very out of the way. However, the refreshment it offers makes going out of the way worth it if you have time. 
  7. Fountain Between Math and English Wings – This fountain has exceptional water, but if you stop at this fountain between classes, you’ll be run over by students. Only go to this fountain while most students are in classes.
  8.  Cafeteria Water Fountains- Awkward social placement despite the adequate water quality. 
  9. Elective Water Fountain – This water fountain is in a small hallway and doesn’t have much to offer. Skip out on this water fountain and get water from the water fountain outside of the elective wing.  
  10. Music Wing Water Fountain – The water found here is decent at best, and with the choir fountain so close, you should never use this fountain unless the choir room is unavailable.
  11. Water Fountains Outside of the Gym – There’s little to no reason to use these water fountains. Their awkward placement outside of the bathrooms, mediocre water, and the gym wing fountains being so close makes these fountains irrelevant.