Sherry Frahm Brightens Everyone’s Day

Sherry Frahm is a staff member at South who is known and loved by nearly every person in the school. Her job as building proctor allows her to interact with many students. She actively tries to learn as many people’s names as possible, as well as engage with them whenever she gets the chance. Just mention the name “Sherry” to anyone at South, and they’ll know who you’re talking about.

Sherry thinks it’s important to take the time to recognize people individually because, in her words, “Then I take the time to learn that person. It just makes my day; I like to learn about people.” She seems to live up to those words, as she knows the name of almost every person in the building.

She really just wants to make people happy and brighten their days, even if it’s only by a little bit. “I would do anything for you guys,” Sherry said. “Somebody asked me, ‘Would you take a bullet for me?’ and I’m like, ‘Well yeah, because you guys are my kids.’” She clearly cares deeply about the students and staff at South, and for many of them, the feeling is mutual.

Thong Tran is a 12th grader in the transitions program, and he knows Sherry well. He enjoys seeing her every day when he’s coming and going from school. “She always says hi to me, and whenever I need help she always helps me,” he said. He also said that she never seems to stop working. Sherry has a big job, between monitoring visitors coming in and out of the building, wiping the tables after lunch, and mopping the endlessly wet floors through the long North Dakota winters.

Sherry sent Tran’s entire special education class Kissograms on Valentine’s Day. She also tries to wish students a happy birthday when she gets the chance. She really goes above and beyond to make people feel seen. Overall, Sherry’s goal is to make a positive impact on everyone’s day, and she seems to be succeeding.