Newest Batman Movie: A Major Flop for the Franchise

Time and time again we’ve seen the Batman franchise produce exhilarating new movies, so going in to see its latest, I had admittedly high expectations. Not only that, but Robert Pattinson, infamous for his role as Edward in Twilight, and his meme’s place as the home screen to my phone, is the newest Batman.

The best way to describe this film is three hours of mafia-style killing by an array of unrealistic characters (some of which were wearing saran wrap on their heads), and a confusing romance in a weather phenomena of constant rain.

I was positively appalled with nearly every scene. 

With the exception of dear Rob, the acting in this movie was low quality. I have many qualms but one major failure was the lack of cool weapons associated with Batman. He favored a dingy motorcycle to the Batmobile, which is absolutely unacceptable. Additionally, the length of this movie is ridiculous and embarrassing. 

My research has lead me to unexpectedly positive reviews, although there were a few things I did enjoy about the movie. The quality of video and cinematography was high caliber, and the sound track was decent. Of course, the casting of Rob was an excellent choice, although I admit, he looked a little malnourished compared to the Batmen of the past.

The style of killings, choice of victims, and motivation for The Riddler seemed like a less than seamless blend of an episode of “Criminal Minds,” and pretty much all of the “Saw” movies combined.

I do, however, feel that Robert Pattinson’s acting has improved since his performance in Twilight, so there’s one good thing. Overall, I give this movie a 3/10. The graphics were well done, and I do feel Rob did a decent job in his role, but everything else gave me second-hand embarrassment.