North Dakota Reigns Supreme at Wordle

Addilynn Schons and Ava Martin

Wordle has become extremely popular throughout the world, and Fargo South has its fanatics, too.

It is a game in which you try to guess a preselected five letter word by eliminating other letters. It first became popular in January, and currently millions of people play every day. Particularly in North Dakota, Wordle has become a pillar of pride. 

In a study conducted by “Word Tips,” North Dakota is ranked highest in Wordle scores based on a compilation of Twitter posts. The study takes data from Twitter posts to find the highest ranking posts regionally.

According to this “Word Tips” article, North Dakota has the highest posted scores. It is important to note that the information is limited seeing as it is based off of posts, rather than actual Wordle data. Despite the fact that the data is not the most accurate, it is still extremely impressive that North Dakota is the highest ranked.

A poll run by the Sudhian confirms that the most frequently played first word at South is “adieu.” Some creative ones were fries, slain, and steak.

Students commonly talk about their starter words, such as ones in the Sudhian Asks. (See Sudhian Asks for more answers) Jaden Felber, a student at South uses fries as her first word because it, “has a couple of vowels and can eliminate them.” She has around a 42 day streak, and says Wordle has not changed since the New York Times took it over. 

Fargo South High students have become masters of Wordle, contributing to North Dakota’s Wordle supremacy. Not only does North Dakota have some of the highest scoring rates, students at South High have constantly increasing streaks. There is no doubt that Wordle’s popularity has become very prevalent at Fargo South High School, and throughout the whole world.