Foreign Exchange Programs and Language Trips at South

Allison Klose, Editor-in-cheif

Fargo South’s language classes offer opportunities to students who wish to travel the world and go to places where locals speak that language. A couple of South’s programs even offers foreign exchange options. Spanish and German both offer foreign exchange programs.

Spanish Trip

This year, the Spanish classes are going to Cuernavaca, Mexico. Their trip is from June 3 – 10, and they are traveling through Ed-Ventures, Inc. The students going on the trip will also stay with host families for the time they are there.

Senora Petik said, “This way they get the opportunity to experience the culture and language as part of a family and not just as a tourist. We want our students to be adventurers, language learners and cultural ambassadors.”

Latin Trip

The Latin classes are going to Italy and France this year. While the Latin students learn here is not widely spoken these days, the Latin classes are going to countries whose languages have Latin roots. They are going through the program WorldStrides. They do not have any planned fundraising for the trip. In past years parents have created fundraisers to help pay for the trip.

Mrs. Hansen said that her favorite part of the trip was seeing her students’ reactions to seeing the places that they learned about in class.

German and French 

The German classes have not gone on their trip for the past few years due to COVID-19 complications. They also do not have a trip planned for this year. In past years they have gone through GAPP (German American Partnership Program).

No French trip is planned for this year.