Face Off: Do Students NEED their phones at school?

Poll results: Do students need their phones in school?

Poll results: Do students need their phones in school?


Though phones at school can seem like a distraction for many students and teachers, phones are a necessity in and outside of school.

Students having their phones at school is a safe way to ensure that they can call or text their parents in case of an emergency. Since 2013 the number of school shootings has gone up drastically, from 51 in 2013 to 202 in 2021, with this fact it’s understandable why parents would want their kids to take their phones to school. Many students from the poll have stated that the main reason they need their phones is in case of an emergency.

Other responses had said that it is a comfort to have them whether it be for the music or just simply having it with them. Phones can also be a security blanket for many students. Some people get anxious or worried without their phone on them and it gets worse when they can’t find it. Having your phone on you is a necessity because of the danger or problems that can arise at any second and being able to contact any of your loved ones as fast as possible will help you remain calm and know that you will be okay.

I am not saying that students should be on it all the time because that influences their learning ability. Here is one response to why a student brings their phone to school.

“My phone is a necessity… from being able to contact my parents with photos of Debby Ryan, to texting my friends photos of Debby Ryan, I can’t live without it.”


For many students, they feel safer with their phone at school, knowing they can contact their parents at any time. In reality though, the school has contact information for everyone’s parents. They also know every student’s schedules, so they should also be able to get in touch with the student in the event of a family emergency. Yes, cell phones can make this more efficient, but they are not necessary.

On a related note, a break from texting can be good for you. Having to work out problems without immediately texting a parent or friend can build self reliance and problem solving skills. And while students enjoy being able to text their friends between classes, there’s not much to say that can’t wait until lunch or an off period. Being forced to have more conversations face-to-face can eliminate some misunderstandings and drama that come with the social media age.

Additionally, most of the other things students enjoy using their phones for – Google, listening to music, etc. – can be done using a computer, and taking out their phones provides another opportunity for distraction. Many students say they only use their phones during their off periods or breaks between classes. However, at a certain point, you need to give your brain breathing room between activities. If we’re constantly replacing our own thoughts with memes and TikToks, we can get burnt out and easily stressed.

We do not need our phones in school. They can be useful tools, but it won’t hurt students to leave them at home once in a while.