Sue and Diane

Sue & Diane: How do to keep your grades up when you don’t have motivation – 

Everyone tends to start procrastinating at the end of the school year, losing their motivation to do any school work. We are all excited for this summer and graduation. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated for the last month of school: 

  •  Make small goals 
  • Make a checklist of your homework, it feels good when you achieve one assignment
  • Turn your phone off – they are big distractions 
  • Take a break every once in a while

How can you get better grades – 

-Do the homework assignments, they are big parts of your grade, and they are good practice for when the test comes around.

-Ask questions when you have them. 

-Have a study schedule, it will help mange your time, and it keeps you from cramming in all your work.