The Growing Pokémon Go Craze at South

Recently, you may have heard or seen students playing Pokémon Go and thought to yourself: “What? Didn’t that game come out 5 years ago? Why are people still playing that?”

To that you have a vibrant and growing community of Pokémon Go players at Fargo South to thank. But what even is Pokémon Go, and why do people play it?

In Pokemon Go, the main goal is to try and catch rare and different types of Pokémon, but there is a variety of other things to do in the game. Players can trade Pokemon with each other, battle each other, fight powerful Pokémon together in raids, and catch Pokemon together in in-game events.

The community is fairly organized, as many of these events players have to organize together to complete.

I asked various Pokémon Go Players why they played the game.

Ozzie Egan, a prominent Pokemon Go player, said this: ”

“I play Pokemon because I wanna be the best like no one ever was. I also really like the trading aspect.”

Many of the players, such as Tyler Olson, just enjoy playing the game.

“I really enjoy the game, catching Pokemon, and I’m addicted.”

“I don’t play any other mobile games and it’s probably the best mobile game ever created.” Said Luke Torguson.

Different players like different elements of the game.

“I really like the Pokemon designs, like Lopunny and Gallade.” Said Ryne Ortez.

Rowan Deutsch said “Pokemon Go is really fun and I love catching Pokemon and doing raids.”

Others have been swept up with the recent resurgence of the infamous game.

“Everyone else is playing it right now and I enjoy playing the game.” Said Noah Kvistad.

“All my friends play it and I don’t wanna get left out.” Said Dylan Elizondo.

The Pokemon Go community is large and growing, so get out there and catch em’ all!