Building Assets Reducing Risks at South High
October 3, 2022
BARR is a tool for teachers and students to help smoothen the transition from middle school to high school. BARR is an abbreviation for Building Assets, Reducing Risks. All freshmen’s are included in the BARR program. It’s used by them and their freshmen teachers during activities called I-Time. I-Time is a lesson done weekly by freshmen teachers. I-Time practices life skills such as communication and setting personal goals. It addresses important issues, including grief and loss, bullying, and substance use. The I-Times also induce a safe and calm environment for learning. The weekly activities cultivate connections between students and their peers. As well as help students and teachers build a strong relationship with each other. BARR has eight strategies to help build relationships between the students and teachers. These include Focusing on The Whole Student, Provide Professional Development, Engage Families in Student Learning, Engage Administrators, Conduct Risk Reviews, Hold Regular Meetings, Create Cohorts of Students, and Use I-Times. BARR teachers gather multiple times per week to discuss their students and ways to help guide them in school. The teachers review students’ actions, grades, and attendance to help decide whether they are at high risk or not. BARR pushes to improve communication between families and the school. Teachers regularly call and meet with the families of the higher risk students. These calls and meetings address the wants and needs of the student from the parents and the teachers perspective while finding ways to reach our academic goals and to work together more effectively. BARR provides professional development for teachers, counselors, and administrators. As well as helping bring teachers and administration together, guiding them to better and smoother communication. Throughout the school year administrators frequently communicate to provide ongoing support to the BARR teams in their school.