February 21, 2023
Early this month, a short show was put on (called a one-act) about a clothing store’s mannequins coming to life and getting into some rather silly shenanigans. I thought the show was great! It was lighthearted and fun to see my friends in. When a clothing store’s two mannequins befriended a third (who was delivered to the wrong place), the three can’t just watch as a pair of burglars try to rob the store, and scare them off. The busy atmosphere of the street was filled out with people walking to and fro, and a security guard checking in on the shop every once in a while. Each character in the show had a very different personality so it was an interesting dynamic between actors. The mannequins were played by Samantha Olson, Molly Thorsvig, and Andrew Schwengler. Some other big characters were played by Carter Johnson, Noah Huse, Terth Tuel, Anna Youngquist, and Kyle Sjolin. Andrew Schwengler called working on the show “Chaotic but very fun.” The techies also did really great on this show.