Bathroom Passes Are a Bit Stupid

Devin Jiang

Since the reintroduction of hallway passes a few weeks ago, I have yet to meet a single student at this school who has been in favor of them or said something positive about them. The main purpose of the passes in general is to make it easier for hallway monitors to identify students in the hallways, but it doesn’t fix the root issue that leads to the passes: specifically, the issue of people who wander around in the hallway. Passes were designed for identification of whoever is in the hallways, but that’s only needed because people are walking around the hallways; why not fix the main issue behind it? Some people, on the other hand, bring up the fact that for the passes – especially the bathroom passes – sanitation is non-existent. A student here at South remarked how, years ago, during their freshman year when hallway passes were around prior to the lockdowns, they caught a case of the pink eye after they were handling the bathroom pass. This is entirely plausible; do you think everyone washes their hands properly after using the restroom? Additionally, the whole concept of passes in general is inconvenient; students need to grab them before exiting the classroom, and they also have to remember to return them properly and not lose them on their way back. Although passes were designed with good intentions in mind, they still have many issues present, and better solutions exist. In the meantime, I, along with many others, agree upon the simple fact that passes are a bit stupid.