Face-Off: Should Teachers Make Students Turn on Cameras During Zoom?

Sierra Jamgochian and Avyn Lundgren


The world has been through a lot of happenings recently, one of them being a global pandemic.

As much as it is affecting everything in our everyday lives, it does not go without affecting our education system and every single person involved in it.

Yes, students might be severely impacted by the changes in the schedules and how we receive our education but teachers are rarely mentioned when it comes to the troubles of it as well.

The least students could do is turn on their cameras during the classes to at least let the educators know they are being listened to and their job still matters in hard times. Another valid reason the educators might want the cameras on is because of attendance as well.

Nearly every student is aware of how easy it is to turn off their camera and continue doing tasks that are not school-related. It is only a basic rule that faces are shown while school work is being done, just as we walk in a classroom and sit down to complete the tasks and assignments in person. It is also most likely that if for some reason you cannot turn on your camera, the teacher is only an email away from understanding.

As much as it is a big change for us, imagine what the educators are going through and the shifts they have had to make. Their career is based upon being within a community and in front of students to educate them and help out when it is needed, whether it be with personal matters or their material.

The tolls of today’s struggles are not only affecting students but maybe even teachers more considering this is their job and what they decided to make a living out of. 


I don’t think teachers should be able to make students have to turn their cameras on.

Privacy is the largest concern regarding this. A students peers can see what living conditions they have which may lead to cyberbullying or just bullying in general, also other students may be able to see the students family, who may not want to be seen or recorded.

Another reason as to why teachers shouldn’t be allowed to make students turn their cameras on is because the student may have anxiety toward it, or they might just be shy.

I feel it should be voluntary and not mandatory for turning cameras on, with an alternative like typing in a chat to the teacher that you are present or answer a question in the same way instead of having to turn their camera on.

An even greater reason why would be that the student may have familial obligations such as taking care of family members or have to take care of things around their home.

My final reason is that it is possible for it to cause fatigue just like anything else which can be both physically and mentally draining to students and make it difficult to focus or get work done for classes.