“This Is My America”: Book Review

Allison Klose

This Is My America deals with a lot of very heavy and deep topics, ranging from current affairs, living as a person of color in the United States and fighting for justice. The story is about a young high school girl fighting for justice for her father and her brother. They have both have been convicted for two separate murders.

Her father is on death row, and time is running out.

Many parts of this story relate to real-life topics that are happening in the United States, including the Black Lives Matter movement, black families being ripped apart and not getting justice in the form of law.

This book will teach you all you need to know about systematic racism. It will also inform the reader of the topic in the form of a heart-touching story.

This book is a must-read. The story does contain gory details and talks a lot about murder, so reader discretion is advised.

This Is My America is definitely a book that will keep its reader on their toes and raise questions as the book goes on. It may not be suitable for everyone, but it is definitely worth the read for mature audiences.