Meet One of Fargo South’s Favorite Mother-Daughter Teaching Duos

Kayden Nielsen

Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Johnson are a mother-daughter teaching duo here at South, with Mrs. Walsh being a Social Studies teacher, and Mrs. Johnson being a FACS teacher. I asked them a few questions about what it is like to be working with each other in the same school every day!

With Mrs. Walsh:
How long have you been teaching? This is my 3rd year of teaching.

What is your favorite thing about working with a family member?
I think my favorite thing about working with my mom is that I can always come and talk to her about how my day is going, see how she is doing etc. We also have a lot of the same students, so it’s great to see them realize that we are related. That doesn’t take very long as my mom and I look very much alike.

Did having a mom that you grew up with being a teacher impact your decision to become a teacher as well?
Yes, very much so. I had really great teachers growing up and seeing how they impacted their students and brought the content to life was inspiring. When I was in high school (at Fargo North), my mom was a FACS teacher there, so it was also great to also see her throughout the day and hear her stories.

If there is anything else you would like to add?:

I think it’s funny when kids don’t make that connection right away, until we are in the same room. When I stop by during class and see what food they are making that day, you can see it on the students’ faces and the light bulb goes off that we are related.


With Mrs. Johnson:
How long have you been teaching? I have taught a total of 15 years: Three in Kansas City and 12 years with Fargo Public Schools. I moved back to Fargo after Kansas City to go into a family business. I owned the business for 19 years then started with FPS.

Were you a teacher while Courtney was a kid? If so, do you think being a teacher while raising a daughter impacted her decisions on going into education?
I started in FPS in 2009. Courtney was an 8
th grader. I was hired as a traveling teacher. I taught 6th grade FACS at CBE and Exploring Foods at North. When she did get to North I would see her if she was hungry and needed a snack. None of my 3 daughters have taken a FACS class from me.

I have taught at 5 different Fargo schools. Now I’m at Woodrow Wilson and South. It might have influenced her but she always loved school, clubs, and the sports that went with school. She wanted to be busy and involved.

Do you enjoy teaching with her at the same school this year?

Yes, I do. She has helped me a lot with the computer side of distance learning. I am very proud to be her Mom, when a substitute comes in and asks if I have a daughter teaching here, and they rave about her passion for her subject (history). We are planning to travel to some of the countries she teaches about this summer. I think it keeps us connected with what is going on in our busy worlds.

And is there anything else that you want to add?

I also am a graduate of Fargo North.  Courtney had a few teachers that I also had.  So, it was a little hard to put on our rivals gold and brown the first time. I have really enjoyed being at South.