‘Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla’ One of Best Games of 2020

January 20, 2021
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is a fun game filled with many side-quests, collectibles and fights to get yourself locked into.
It starts off with Eivor as a child.
Eivor is also known as wolf-kissed and you can choose if you want Eivor to be male or female based off of your preference very early into the game. After the intro cutscene and little bit of walking around, the story jumps to Eivor as an adult and you need to rescue your crew.
After getting your crew back, the Norway section of the game opens up entirely. You can explore the entirety of Norway and collect everything if you’re trying to 100 percent complete the game, but it does take going through a few story quests to unlock travel to the England part of the world.
Just like with the Norway section it opens up almost instantly giving the player an open world to explore, treasure hunt or just take in the amazing scenery.
There are many different regions with different recommended power levels but it’s just a suggestion. If you only have 20 power and want to go to a 230 power area you can, enemies will be extremely difficult and you have to play perfectly to kill them but it is an option if you want to do that.
I have put 40 hours into the game and I have only collected everything in 2 sub-regions of 5 main large regions so, I still have a lot more to do with it so if you get the chance it’s worth the buy in my opinion.