Through the power of social media, which is as prominent as ever, influencers and marketing teams have had the power to dictate the next new trending item. Every couple of weeks, there is a new brand that is blowing up on social media, and there’s a new item that everyone has to have. But do these brands really matter? Are they really all that social media makes them out to be?
In the last couple of years, it seems that society has developed a fixation on brands and brand name items. People tend to see specific brands as a symbol of status or something that defines a facet of your identity. We buy the ‘in’ items from certain brands in order to feel validated by a larger community, which gives gratification. However, with trends leaving as soon as they come in, and that feeling of gratification fading just as quickly, is it really worth it to buy that brand new item?
The fanaticism over brands can also lead to a social divide, with some feeling inferior due to not being able to purchase from certain brands, reinforcing classist values. Allowing materialism and an obsession with things to play such a large role in our lives can lead to competition for status and vanity, which can further divide us. It’s important in this day to be conscious of our spending choices, and to be mindful of the power our purchases have.